The UK’s leading diabetes charity

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About Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK is a British-based patient, healthcare professional and research charity that has been described as "one of the foremost diabetes charities in the UK". The charity campaigns for improvements in the care and treatment of people with diabetes.

Diabetes UK provides funding for United Kingdom-based research into the causes and treatment of diabetes and its complications.

The charity provides financial support for "project grants, funding to purchase laboratory equipment, and research-training opportunities ranging from PhD studentships to research fellowships." The research they fund covers all areas of diabetes, and there have been significant breakthroughs for both Type 1 treatment and Type 2 prevention and remission. They continue to invest more in research in the hope that, one day, they will find a cure.

In 2011, the charity awarded £1,035,743 to five new research grants, and £440,051 to five new PhD studentships.

In 2017, they invested over £6.7 million in diabetes research and agreed to support 38 new studies.

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