Peter Day

Rasdio Founder

About Peter Day

Peter Day is best known for being the conductor for Rasdio and its related services and platforms. In his own free time Peter often works hard to orchestrate the entire team and moving towards a common goal in putting on the best charity fundraiser there is.

Peter Day created a test scenario in 2008 where a computer or makeshift server would stream a file from one computer to another independent of what software they were running. This test resulted in the very first version of Rasdio known as “TheRadio”. Under several guises and different people the core essence of what Rasdio stands for has always remained rock solid.

This year, Peter is supporting the fan favourite charity: Mind UK which is a mental health charity based in the uk. Mind is one of the only charities around talking about mental health seriously and really aiming to make strides in the field. This is very important to Peter as he has experienced issues with mental health very often in the past and even to this day.

In his spare time, Peter Day is a dad to his little girl; Constance and a YouTuber. Peter loves to programme the Rasdio site app and API stack because he knows that the technology featured in modern web can enable great things.

Thanks to the hard work and direction steering, Peter has managed to help Rasdio raise an unprecedented £34,084.03 for charity which has well and truly changed lives for the better.

Peter Day has appeared during

TheChallenge 2012
TheChallenge 2013
TheChallenge 2015
TheChallenge 2016